Novi projekat- radionice šivenja za decu bez roditeljskog staranja u Beloj Crkvi!

U subotu 14.12. održana je prva radionica šivenja sa mališanima bez roditeljskog staranja, a koja se nalaze u domu u Beloj Crkvi!
Deca su fenomenalno reagovala na ideju da nauče da šiju i veoma su se zainteresovala!
Za početak, naučili smo ih kako se provlači konac kroz iglu, kako se zašiva tranina i kako da ušiju dugme!
S obzirom da im je bilo veoma zanimljivo i da su hteli još da rade, odlučili smo da im pokažemo kako se prave torbice za telefone!
Naše drage krojačice, koje su držale radionicu, su isekle staru, iznošenu odeću i pokazale deci kako treba da ušiju materijale kako bi napravili torbice!😍
Deca su pokazala neverovatne veštine, i vrlo lako su savladala zadatak!
Neki su zatim hteli na svoju torbicu da dodaju kaiš ili da naprave vrećice!
Nekoliko veoma talentovanih su čak napravili i čarapice za bebe!🥰
Sve u svemu, odličan početak nove serije radionica za mališane u Beloj Crkvi, a kada vidimo koliko su zainteresovani za sve što im ponudimo, nije nam teško da putujemo!❤️
Hvala @mona_official_page i @duel._beohemija na podršci😊

On Saturday 14.12. the first sewing workshop was held with children without parental care, who are in the home in Bela Crkva! The children responded phenomenally to the idea of ​​learning to sew and were very interested! To begin with, we taught them how to thread a needle, how to sew a plait and how to sew a button! Since they found it very interesting and wanted to do more, we decided to show them how to make phone cases! Our dear seamstresses, who held the workshop, cut out old, worn clothes and showed the children how to sew the materials to make purses!😍 The children showed amazing skills, and they mastered the task very easily! Some then wanted to add a strap or make pouches to their purse! A few very talented ones have even made baby socks!🥰 All in all, a great start to the new series of workshops for the little ones at Bela Crkva, and when we see how interested they are in everything we offer them, it’s not hard for us to travel!❤️ Thank you @mona_official_page and @duel._beohemija for your support😊

30 godina BEOHEMIJE

Zadovoljstvo je bilo biti gost veceras na proslavi 30 godina rada firme BEOHEMIJA a još veće što sam imala priliku da budem jedno od troje ljudi koji imali mogućnost da se obrate mnogobrojnim zvanicama iz regiona!
Nije to tek tako, imalo je šta važno da se kaže pa otud i zasluga!
Od novembra 2023. godine, “Centar za unapredjenje društva” je takoreći, zastupnik BEOHEMIJE za društvenu odgovornost!
Tokom 2024. godine, zahvaljujući mesečnoj finansijskoj podršci našem Centru, uspeli smo da proširimo naš tim, promenimo prostor, dobijemo priliku da angažujemo velike znalce da pišu velike projekte za nas!
A ono što još sadrži naš ugovor a najvažnije je to što smo distributeri pomoći za samohrane porodice i sve ugrožene grupe u ime BEOHEMIJE!
Pa tako možemo da se pohvalim da smo ozbiljno radili, komunicirali sa preko 300 samohranih porodica i obezbedili podršku onima kojima je to najpotrebnije, i to:
1. Podržali smo 12 porodica širom Srbije kupovinom šporeta, mašina, kreveta, ormara, prozora pa i pomagali onima koji su bolesni kroz terapije i fizikalna pomagala!
2. Podelili smo 2016 paketa hemije ( prašak, omekšivači, sredstva za podove i posude) i to: 2.1 na 9 opština organizaciji Crveni krst
2.2 na 8 domova za decu bez roditeljskog staranja
2.3 na 12 udruženja
2.4 individualno na 44 ugrožene porodice širom Srbije!
Kroz ove dve akcije smo posetili 12 gradova u Srbiji!
Hvala Beohemiju na svemu što radi kroz društvenu odgovornost a nama svaka čast na odgovornosti i rezultatima!

It was a pleasure to be a guest tonight at the celebration of 30 years of work of the company BEOHEMIJA, and even greater that I had the opportunity to be one of three people who had the opportunity to address numerous dignitaries from the region! It’s not just like that, there was something important to say, hence the credit! From November 2023, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” is, so to speak, the representative of BEOHEMIA for social responsibility! During 2024, thanks to monthly financial support to our Center, we managed to expand our team, change the space, get the opportunity to hire great experts to write big projects for us! And the most important part of our contract is that we distribute aid to single families and all vulnerable groups on behalf of BEOHEMIA! So we can boast that we worked seriously, communicated with over 300 single families and provided support to those who need it the most, namely: 1. We supported 12 families across Serbia by buying stoves, machines, beds, wardrobes, windows and even helped those who are sick through therapy and physical aids! 2. We distributed 2016 packages of chemistry (powder, softeners, products for floors and containers): 2.1 to 9 municipalities to the Red Cross organization 2.2 out of 8 homes for children without parental care 2.3 on 12 associations 2.4 individually for 44 vulnerable families throughout Serbia! Through these two actions, we visited 12 cities in Serbia! Thanks to Beohemij for everything it does through social responsibility, and kudos to us for our responsibility and results!

Supervizijski sastanak na projektu “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”

Zadovoljstvo je bilo danas prisustvovati online supervizijskom sastanku sa studentima/volonterima koji rade individualno sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja, skoro 12 meseci!
Divnih priča, pitanja i predloga na pretek!
Emocija, suza i sreće jer smo uspeli da decu promenimo, da ih osnažimo, da ih otvorimo, da im ukažemo koliko su nam važni, da smo tu za njih, da bebe sa kojima radimo uživaju u zagrljaju i utonu u san bezbrižno, da se neki od volontera odvaže i na hraniteljstvo na što smo posebno ponosni!
Ponosni smo takodje što veoma uspešno na projektu volontiraju srednjoškolci iz internacionalne škole iz Beograda, koji su dodatno organizovali više akcija kupovine obuće, odeće, slatkiša za dečicu iz doma❤️
Ponosni smo što skoro uvek jednim postupkom iznedrimo mnogo rezultata u radu!!!
Danas je sa nama pričalo o svojim iskustvima i dilemama 19 volontera a 22oje očekujemo na sledećem susretu!
Hvala Alem Dedovic što vodiš celu grupu srcem! Hvala Ljubiša Jovanović na odličnom superviziranju i podršci projektu!
Idemo dalje u novi ciklus❤️🌺

It was a pleasure today to attend an online supervision meeting with students/volunteers who have been working individually with children without parental care for almost 12 months! Wonderful stories, questions and suggestions galore! Emotions, tears and happiness because we managed to change the children, to empower them, to open them up, to show them how important they are to us, that we are there for them, that the babies we work with enjoy being hugged and fall asleep carefree, that some of the volunteers venture into foster care, which we are especially proud of! We are also proud that high school students from an international school from Belgrade are very successfully volunteering on the project, who additionally organized several campaigns to buy shoes, clothes, sweets for children from the home❤️ We are proud that we almost always produce many results in our work with one procedure!!! Today, 19 volunteers spoke with us about their experiences and dilemmas, and we expect 22 more at the next meeting! Thank you Alem Dedovic for leading the whole group with your heart! Thank you Ljubiša Jovanović for excellent supervision and support of the project! Let’s move on to a new cycle

Donacija paketa hemije u novembru 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u novembru mesecu pakete hemije podelio je na tri adrese:
1. Centar Reto-Ima nade😊 U pitanju je neprofitna humanitarna organizacija čija je glavna delatnost rehabilitacija i resocijalizacija osoba koje imaju probleme sa alkoholom i narkomanijom
2. Preko Crvenog krsta Barajevo paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa ove teritorije
3. Preko Crvenog krsta Rakovica paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama 😊
U jednom paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, deterdžent za veš i tečnost za pranje podova. Ovog meseca donirano je 250 pameta hemije❤️

In November, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija distributed chemistry packages to three addresses: 1. Center Reto-Ima nade😊 It is a non-profit humanitarian organization whose main activity is the rehabilitation and resocialization of people who have problems with alcohol and drug addiction 2. Through the Barajevo Red Cross, chemical packages were donated to single and socially vulnerable families from this territory 3. Through the Rakovica Red Cross, chemistry packages were donated to single and socially disadvantaged families 😊 One package of chemistry contains washing powder, laundry detergent and floor washing liquid. This month, 250 chemistry brains were donated❤️

Donacija paketa hemija za oktobar 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u oktobru mesecu donirao je pakovanja hemije na četiri adrese:
1. 10 paketa donirano je Domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Blagojević” u Banji Koviljači
2. 10 paketa donirano je Domu Nade
3. Preko Kola srpskih sestara donirano je 30 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa teritorije Leskovac
4. Preko Crvenog krsta Bujanovac podeljeno je 200 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama
U paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, omekšivač i tečnost za brisanje podova.🥰
Ukupno je podeljeno 250 paketa ovog meseca😍❤️
Veliko hvala @duel._beohemija!❤️

The “Center for the Improvement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija in October donated packages of chemistry to four addresses: 1. 10 packages were donated to the Home for Children and Youth “Vera Blagojević” in Banja Koviljača 2. 10 packages were donated to the House of Hope 3. Via the Circle of Serbian Sisters, 30 packages of chemistry were donated to single-parent and socially vulnerable families from the territory of Leskovac 4. Through the Bujanovac Red Cross, 200 packages of chemistry were distributed to single and socially vulnerable families The chemistry package includes washing powder, fabric softener and liquid for mopping floors A total of 250 packages were distributed this month😍❤️ Big thanks to @duel._beohemija!❤️