Druženje u Bojčinskoj šumi- projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Prošle nedelje, u saradnji sa Centrom “Zvezda”, a u okviru projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” organizovali smo još jedno druženje, ovoga puta to je bio izlet u Bojčinskoj šumi😊

Mentori i mladi koji se nalaze na domskom smeštaju su se družili, bolje upoznali i jahali konje🥰
Za kraj, obezbedili smo i večeru u restoranu Bojčinske šume u Beogradu❤️

Last week, in cooperation with the Center “Zvezda”, and as part of the project “Independent, but not alone”, we organized another get-together, this time it was a trip to Bojčinska forest 😊 Mentors and young people who are in home accommodation socialized, got to know each other better and rode horses Finally, we also provided dinner at the Bojčinske šume restaurant in Belgrade

Podela praška ugoženim grupama- jun 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u junu mesecu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese:
1. 140 paketa donirano je Crvenom krstu Obrenovac, uz pomoć kojih će 140 ugroženih porodica sa ove teritorije dobiti neophodnu hemiju🥰
2. Dom za decu i omladinu “Spomenak” iz Pančeva dobio je 30 paketa hemije, koji su im zaista neophodni, a trajaće im sledeća 3 meseca😍
Ništa od ovoga ne bi bilo moguće bez firme BEOHEMIJA koja je prepoznala potrebe ugroženih i odlučila da pomogne😊 Hvala!❤️

In June, the Center for the Advancement of Society distributed chemistry packages to two addresses: 1. 140 packages were donated to the Obrenovac Red Cross, with the help of which 140 vulnerable families from this territory will receive the necessary chemistry. 2. Home for children and youth “Spomenak” from Pancevo received 30 packages of chemistry, which are really necessary for them, and will last them for the next 3 months😍 None of this would be possible without the company BEOHEMIJA, which recognized the needs of the vulnerable and decided to help😊 Thank you!❤️

Prva donacija u okviru projekta podrške samohranim roditeljima

Naš “Centar za unapredjenje društva” uručio je prvu donaciju u okviru programa podrške samohranim roditeljima, a koju realizuje u saradnji sa firmom Bieohija🥰
Samohranoj majci iz Niša, koja je invalid multiple skleroze, a koja ima četvoro dece, kupili smo krevet i orman kako bi im omogućili bolje i lepše uslove za život, a deci uslove sa bezbrižno odrastanje❤️
Pozivamo sve ljude da se uključe u ovu akciju kako bi što više samohranih porodica dobilo šansu za bolju budućnost!

Our “Center for the Advancement of Society” presented the first donation within the support program for single parents, which is realized in cooperation with the company Biohija. We bought a bed and a wardrobe for a single mother from Niš, who is disabled by multiple sclerosis and has four children, in order to provide them with better and more beautiful living conditions, and for the children to grow up carefree❤️ We invite all people to join this action so that as many single families as possible get a chance for a better future!🤩

Druženje u Kući mogućnosti- “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

U subotu je u Kući mogućnosti održana još jedna aktivnost sa mladima u sklopu projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” sa ciljem upoznavanja i sparivanja mladih!
Mladi iz domova “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” i “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” posetili su Kuću mogućnosti, koja je u vlasništvu Centra Zvezde, gde su se družili sa mentorima, dogovarali sledeća vidjenja, igrali odbojku, stoni fudbal!

On Saturday, another activity with young people was held in the House of Opportunities as part of the project “Self-reliant, but not alone” with the aim of getting to know and pairing young people! Young people from the “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” and “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” homes visited the House of Opportunities, which is owned by the Zvezda Center, where they socialized with mentors, arranged the next meetings, played volleyball, table football!

Širenje programa “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”- SOS Dečje selo

Konačno smo realizovali sastanak sa kolegama iz “Dečjeg sela”, doma za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, koji je zaista koncipirano kao jedna velika porodica!
Povod je predivan a to je širenje projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”, programa individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja i u ovom domu❤️
Napravili smo nacrt i prvi korak i krećemo uskoro sa realizacijom!
Hvala kolegama koji u ovom domu realizuju bezbroj edukativnih i kreativnih aktivnosti al su vrlo zainteresovani i za ovaj program jer su sigurni da je ovakva koncept neverovatno koristan i to naročito za mlade od 14 do 18 godina (što do sada nismo radili).
Tako da su nam zadali zadatak a mi verujemo da to možemo, da pokrijemo i malu decu, kao i mlade, ukupno njih 75❤️
Hvala firmi BLACK ROCK koja finansijski podržava ovaj program!

Finally, we realized a meeting with colleagues from “Children’s Village”, a home for children without parental care, which is really conceived as one big family! The occasion is wonderful, and it is the expansion of the “Let’s get together and learn together” project, a program of individual support for children without parental care and in this home❤️ We have made a draft and the first step and we will soon start with the implementation! Thank you to the colleagues who implement countless educational and creative activities in this home, but they are also very interested in this program because they are sure that this kind of concept is incredibly useful, especially for young people from 14 to 18 years old (which we have not done so far). So they gave us a task, and we believe we can do it, to cover small children as well as young people, a total of 75 of them❤️ Thanks to the company BLACK ROCK, which financially supports this program!