Druženje u Bojčinskoj šumi- projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Prošle nedelje, u saradnji sa Centrom “Zvezda”, a u okviru projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” organizovali smo još jedno druženje, ovoga puta to je bio izlet u Bojčinskoj šumi😊

Mentori i mladi koji se nalaze na domskom smeštaju su se družili, bolje upoznali i jahali konje🥰
Za kraj, obezbedili smo i večeru u restoranu Bojčinske šume u Beogradu❤️

Last week, in cooperation with the Center “Zvezda”, and as part of the project “Independent, but not alone”, we organized another get-together, this time it was a trip to Bojčinska forest 😊 Mentors and young people who are in home accommodation socialized, got to know each other better and rode horses Finally, we also provided dinner at the Bojčinske šume restaurant in Belgrade

Druženje u Kući mogućnosti- “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

U subotu je u Kući mogućnosti održana još jedna aktivnost sa mladima u sklopu projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” sa ciljem upoznavanja i sparivanja mladih!
Mladi iz domova “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” i “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” posetili su Kuću mogućnosti, koja je u vlasništvu Centra Zvezde, gde su se družili sa mentorima, dogovarali sledeća vidjenja, igrali odbojku, stoni fudbal!

On Saturday, another activity with young people was held in the House of Opportunities as part of the project “Self-reliant, but not alone” with the aim of getting to know and pairing young people! Young people from the “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” and “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” homes visited the House of Opportunities, which is owned by the Zvezda Center, where they socialized with mentors, arranged the next meetings, played volleyball, table football!

“Samostalan, ali ne sam”- predstavljanje projekta mladima bez roditeljskog staranja

Tim Centra Zvezda i tim Centra za unapređenje društva juče su posetili RJ Dom Jovan Jovanović Zmaj. Predstavili smo naš projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”. Okupili smo grupu od devetoro mladih, koji su bili vrlo zainteresovani za projekat😍
Srećni smo i ponosni što započinjemo drugi ciklus projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” koji za cilj ima pripremu mladih za samostalan život nakon izlaska iz sistema. Mentori su mladi koji su prošli program podrške mladima u procesu osamostaljivanja “Kuća mogućnosti, kroz vršnjačko mentorstvo”🥰

The team of the Star Center and the team of the Center for the Improvement of Society visited RJ Dom Jovan Jovanović Zmaj yesterday. We presented our project “Independent, but not alone”. We gathered a group of nine young people, who were very interested in the project😍 We are happy and proud to start the second cycle of the “Alone, but not alone” project, which aims to prepare young people for an independent life after leaving the system. Mentors are young people who have passed the youth support program in the process of becoming independent “House of Opportunities, through peer mentoring”

Program “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Danas su naši partneri iz Centra ZVEZDA promovisali program podrške pri osamostaljivanju mladima koji se pripremaju da izlazak iz doma i ulazak u samostalni život🥰 U prvoj grupi okupili smo 13 mladih!

Tokom 2023. godine završen je pilot projekta “Samostalan ali ne sam” u partnerstvu Centra ZVEZDA I “Centra za unapređenje društva”

Cilj je da spojimo mlade koji su par godina ranije izašli iz doma koji, jedan na jedan, rade sa ovim mladim ljudima i pomažu im da nauče koje su to prepreke u spoljnje svetu, kako da ih izbegnu i na najlakši način nadju i zadrže posao, iznajme stan, dobro se pokažu na razgovoru za posao, sačuvaju novac.

Podržite ovaj projekat i omogućite da se nastavi!


Today, our partners from the ZVEZDA Center promoted a program of support for the independence of young people who are preparing to leave home and enter an independent life. In the first group, we gathered 13 young people!

In 2023, the pilot project “Self-reliant but not alone” was completed in partnership with the ZVEZDA Center and the “Center for the Improvement of Society”

The goal is to bring together young people who left home a few years earlier, who, one on one, work with these young people and help them learn what are the obstacles in the outside world, how to avoid them and find and keep a job in the easiest way, rent an apartment, perform well at a job interview, save money.

Support this project and let it continue!


Izlaganje programa koje realizuje Centar za unapređenje društva samostalno i u saradnji sa Centrom Zvezda

Na veću u domu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja Centar za unapređenje društva predstavio je kolegama svoj rad i benefite rada sa malom decom i mladima koji se pripremaju da napiste sistem socijalne zaštite. Govorilo se više o projektima koje je pokrenuo naš Centar samostalno i u saradnji sa Centrom Zvezda.

Došli smo do zaključka da su benefiti mnogobrojni i da nam ostaje da se potrudimo da „velikoj deci“ pomognemo što više u procesu prilagođavanja.

Zahvaljujemo se direktorki i kolegama iz doma koji su nas ugostili na Veću.


March 31st, 2023, The presentation of programs created by the Center for Society Advancement independently and in collaboration with the Center ZVEZDA

At the council meeting in the facility  for children without parental care, the Center for Society Advancement presented its work and the benefits of working with young children and youth preparing to leave the social welfare system to colleagues. The focus was on projects initiated by our Center independently and in collaboration with the Center Zvezda.

We concluded that the benefits are numerous, and it remains for us to make an effort to assist the “older children” as much as possible in the adaptation process.

We express our gratitude to the director and colleagues from the orphanage who hosted us at the council meeting.