20 godina projekta “Stariji brat, starija sestra”

Obeležavanje 20 godina postojanja projekta za ugroženu decu, pod nazivom “Stariji brat, starija sestra” održano je u Sarajevu 20 novembra. A obeležile su ga kolege iz udruženja NARKO NE i fondacija “Stariji brat, starija sestra”.
Centar za unapredjenje drustva je imao to zadovoljstvo da prisustvuje ovom jako važnom dešavanju jer i sam sprovodi isti program, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” i to za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, gde će već od januara 2025 godine, verovatno biti uključena preko 130 mališana od 2 do 12 godina i to sirom Srbije!
Čuli smo iskustva i volontera i dece, koji su sada već veliki ljudi!
Koliko je važno detetu koje živi u jako oskudnim uslovima, a naročito ako nema roditelje uopšte, da ima jednu zdravu mladu osobu koja će mu biti SVE!!!
Zaista smo ponosni što radimo isto program, što imamo priliku da učimo od onih koji to decenijama rade, što nam samo pokazuje da radimo jako svrsishodan program!
Svaka čast kolegama! @fondacija_sbss

The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the project for vulnerable children, called “Older Brother, Older Sister” was held in Sarajevo on November 20. And he was celebrated by his colleagues from the NARKO NE association and the “Older Brother, Older Sister” foundation. The Center for the Advancement of Society had the pleasure of attending this very important event because it itself implements the same program, called “We socialize and learn together” for children without parental care, where from January 2025, they will probably be included through 130 children from 2 to 12 years old all over Serbia! We heard the experiences of both volunteers and children, who are now big people! How important is it for a child who lives in very poor conditions, especially if he has no parents at all, to have one healthy young person who will be his EVERYTHING!!! We are really proud to do the same program, to have the opportunity to learn from those who have been doing it for decades, which only shows us that we are doing a very purposeful program! Kudos to colleagues! @fondacija_sbss

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