Archives 2023

Sajam volonterizma 2023. godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” , zajedno sa Zvečanskom 7, prisustvovao sajmu volonterizma a u organizaciji “Svetskog omladinskog talasa”.

Odlična organizacija i produktivni razgovori sa mladim kolegama!

Benefit: još 10 prijavljenih studenata za naš program individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja


“Center for the improvement of society”, together with Zvečanska 7, attended the volunteerism fair organized by “World Youth Wave”.

Excellent organization and productive discussions with young colleagues!

Benefit: 10 more registered students for our individual support program for children without parental care

Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Srećni smo uvek kada se prijavi dovoljan broj studenata humanističkih nauka za naš program podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja

Za ovaj ciklus danas obučeno još 20 studenata i sada imamo 45 parova student/dete

Još njih 15 je na čekanju a nova saradnja i prijave očekujemo tokom februara!

Važno je da pokrijemo svu decu u beogradskim domovima kojima ovakakv vid podrske treba, a i u Beloj Crkvi

Sve pohvale za profesorku Anu Grbić sa “Više škole za socijalni rad” , čijih se 15 studenata prijavilo!

Takodje veliko hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević koja je prepoznala značaj programa za njene studente i zahvaljujući njoj, ovaj program će uskoro postati jedan od obaveznih programa za stručnu praksu na Filozofskom fakultetu, psihologija!

Što bi neko rekao, idemo dalje


We are always happy when a sufficient number of humanities students apply for our program to support children without parental care. For this cycle, 20 more students were trained today and now we have 45 student/child pairs. Another 15 of them are pending, and we expect new cooperation and applications during February! It is important to cover all the children in Belgrade homes who need this kind of support, and also in Bela Crkva.

Congratulations to Professor Ana Grbić from the “College of Social Work”, whose 15 students applied!

Also, a big thank you to professor Snežana Svetozarević who recognized the importance of the program for her students and thanks to her, this program will soon become one of the mandatory programs for professional practice at the Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology!

Druženje sa studentima “Visoke škole za socijalni rad”

Danas predivno druženje sa studentima “Više škole za socijalni rad”

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” i moja malenkost danas prezentovali program “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” kroz koji pružamo podršku deci bez roditeljskog staranja, od 2 do 12 godina, u Beogradu i Beloj Crkvi

Cilj prezentacije je informisanje studenata iz struke o ovom programu i uključivanje istih, bez kojih ovaj program ne bi živeo

Konačno konstruktivan razgovor, konkretna pitanja od strane studenata!

Pozivamo studente humanističkih nauka da se prijave za ovaj program


Today, a wonderful meeting with the students of the “College of Social Work”

“Center for the improvement of society” and my littleness today presented the program “Let’s socialize and learn together” through which we provide support to children without parental care, from 2 to 12 years old, in Belgrade and Bela Crk

The goal of the presentation is to inform students from the profession about this program and to involve them, without whom this program would not exist

Finally a constructive conversation, concrete questions from the students!

Humanities students are invited to apply for this program

Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja OKO realizovala trening za trenere na temu Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima

Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja OKO realizovala je trening za trenere na temu Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima u trajanju od 5 dana. Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, bila je jedna od učesnica.

Zoran Zlatković i Aleksandar Sale Trudić bili su zaslužni za vođenje  ove stručne edukacije, koristeći se pozorišnom umetnošću. Tokom ovog treninga polaznici su stekli nove uvide kako mogu da vode mlade kroz procese, edukaciju, preveciju.

Petodnevni trening obogaćen je izuzetno korisnim znanjem i iskustvom, stvaranjem novih poznanstava i prijatnom atmosferom.

Zahvaljujemo se organizaciji OKO na izuzetnoj organizaciji ove obuke. Radujemo se nekim narednim edukacijama i zajedničkim projektima.


the Creative Gathering Organization “OKO” successfully held a training session for coaches on the topic of Dramatic Techniques in the prevention of violence among young people

The OKO Creative Gathering Organization implemented a 5-day training program for coaches focusing on Dramatic Techniques in the prevention of youth violence. Dušica Jeleč, the president of the Center for Society Advancement, was one of the participants.

Zoran Zlatković and Aleksandar Sale Trudić were responsible for leading this professional education, utilizing theatrical arts. Throughout this training, participants gained new insights into guiding young individuals through processes of education and prevention.

The five-day training enriched participants with valuable knowledge and experience, fostering the creation of new connections and a pleasant atmosphere.

We express our gratitude to the OKO organization for the exceptional organization of this training. We look forward to upcoming educational events and collaborative projects.

Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima

TETRIS – Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja “OKO” realizovala Trening za trenere na temu – Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja medju mladima – u trajanju od 5 dana, odlično iskustvo i puno novog znanja! Naša predsednica, Dušica Jeleč, je bila jedan od učeanika.

Kako kroz umetnost – pozorište/Forum teatar voditi mlade kroz procese, edukacije, prevenciju! Predivni Zoran Zlatkovic i Aleksandar Sale Trudic su nas je veoma stručno vodili kroz edukaciju! Predivna grupa, iskustvo, kontakti

Svaka čast #okoorg

Vidimo se uskoro na nekim novim svrsihodnim edukacijama i projektima


TETRIS – The organization of the creative gathering “OKO” realized a training for trainers on the topic – Drama techniques in the prevention of violence among young people – lasting 5 days, great experience and a lot of new knowledge! Our president, Dušica Jeleč, was one of the students.

How through art – theater/Forum theater to guide young people through processes, education, prevention! The wonderful Zoran Zlatkovic and Aleksandar Sale Trudic very expertly guided us through the education! Wonderful group, experience, contacts

Kudos to #okoorg

See you soon on some new purposeful educations and projects