Tokom marta meseca realizovali smo ERASMUS program, saradnja “Centar za unapredjenje društva” i ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE of NATIONAL EDUCATION iz Istanbula, a u okviru programa za neformalno obrazovnje odraslih.
Prilično smo zadovolji našim rezultatima s obzirom da smo pioniri u medjunarodnoj saradnji!
Omogućili smo edukaciju ovoj divnoj turskoj grupi, na temu preduzetništva i IT alata u poslovanju!
A kako i dolikuje, gosti su posetili sve ključne znamenitosti u Beogradu

Naravno, dame su dobile i po ružu za 8 mart

Hvala ambasadi Turske Sehmuz Altim/Yunis Yildrim što su zajedno sa nama, priredili doček grupi, gde smo im takodje priredili lep srpski program!
Hvala kolegama koji su radili više sati dnevno kako bi sve teklo po planu: Svetlani Kostic, Sari Čolić, Zoranu Zlatkovic i Saletu Trudicu

During the month of March, we implemented the ERASMUS program, a collaboration between the Center for the Advancement of Society and the ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE of NATIONAL EDUCATION from Istanbul, within the framework of the non-formal adult education program. We are quite satisfied with our results considering that we are pioneers in international cooperation! We provided education to this wonderful Turkish group on the topic of entrepreneurship and IT tools in business! And as befits, the guests visited all the key sights in Belgrade 🙂 Of course, the ladies also received a rose for March 8 🙂 Thank you to the Embassy of Turkey, Sehmuz Altim/Yunis Yildrim, who, together with us, prepared a welcome for the group, where we also prepared a nice Serbian program for them! Thank you to my colleagues who worked many hours a day so that everything went according to plan: Svetlana Kostic, Sara Čolić, Zoran Zlatkovic and Salet Trudic.