Donacija praška- april 2024.godine

In April, chemistry packages were distributed: 1. Association for children and youth with disabilities “Izazov”, 2. Special humanitarian association of paraplegics and quadriplegics “Paraquad”, 3. Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Southern Banat, 4. To the organization of disabled workers for the city of Vršac, 5. “Open Heart of the World” Association for Helping Mentally Underdeveloped Persons, 5. Intermunicipal Multiple Sclerosis Association Vršac, 6. Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Vršac i 7. To the association of parents of children and adults with disabilities “Sunce Vršca”.❤️ A total of 210 bags were distributed: 1. Duel Lavender Almond of 2.4 kg, 2. 100 bottles of 800ml Happy Family fabric softener, as well as 3. 100 bottles of Blue Wave floor liquid of 1l. Endless thanks to the company BEOHEMIA for the donated goods that the “Center for the Advancement of Society” distributes to those who need it the most!