Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja OKO realizovala trening za trenere na temu Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima

Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja OKO realizovala je trening za trenere na temu Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima u trajanju od 5 dana. Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, bila je jedna od učesnica.

Zoran Zlatković i Aleksandar Sale Trudić bili su zaslužni za vođenje  ove stručne edukacije, koristeći se pozorišnom umetnošću. Tokom ovog treninga polaznici su stekli nove uvide kako mogu da vode mlade kroz procese, edukaciju, preveciju.

Petodnevni trening obogaćen je izuzetno korisnim znanjem i iskustvom, stvaranjem novih poznanstava i prijatnom atmosferom.

Zahvaljujemo se organizaciji OKO na izuzetnoj organizaciji ove obuke. Radujemo se nekim narednim edukacijama i zajedničkim projektima.


the Creative Gathering Organization “OKO” successfully held a training session for coaches on the topic of Dramatic Techniques in the prevention of violence among young people

The OKO Creative Gathering Organization implemented a 5-day training program for coaches focusing on Dramatic Techniques in the prevention of youth violence. Dušica Jeleč, the president of the Center for Society Advancement, was one of the participants.

Zoran Zlatković and Aleksandar Sale Trudić were responsible for leading this professional education, utilizing theatrical arts. Throughout this training, participants gained new insights into guiding young individuals through processes of education and prevention.

The five-day training enriched participants with valuable knowledge and experience, fostering the creation of new connections and a pleasant atmosphere.

We express our gratitude to the OKO organization for the exceptional organization of this training. We look forward to upcoming educational events and collaborative projects.

Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja među mladima

TETRIS – Organizacija kreativnog okupljanja “OKO” realizovala Trening za trenere na temu – Dramske tehnike u prevenciji nasilja medju mladima – u trajanju od 5 dana, odlično iskustvo i puno novog znanja! Naša predsednica, Dušica Jeleč, je bila jedan od učeanika.

Kako kroz umetnost – pozorište/Forum teatar voditi mlade kroz procese, edukacije, prevenciju! Predivni Zoran Zlatkovic i Aleksandar Sale Trudic su nas je veoma stručno vodili kroz edukaciju! Predivna grupa, iskustvo, kontakti

Svaka čast #okoorg

Vidimo se uskoro na nekim novim svrsihodnim edukacijama i projektima


TETRIS – The organization of the creative gathering “OKO” realized a training for trainers on the topic – Drama techniques in the prevention of violence among young people – lasting 5 days, great experience and a lot of new knowledge! Our president, Dušica Jeleč, was one of the students.

How through art – theater/Forum theater to guide young people through processes, education, prevention! The wonderful Zoran Zlatkovic and Aleksandar Sale Trudic very expertly guided us through the education! Wonderful group, experience, contacts

Kudos to #okoorg

See you soon on some new purposeful educations and projects


Održan sastanak sa volonterima koji rade sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja iz doma u Beloj Crkvi

Definisali smo urađeno, otklonili nesuglasice i podelili savete.

Saznali da se neki slepi menjaju iz korena: neki koji su svima nalazili manu, počeli su da uočavaju prave vrednosti i da konačno budu srećni, van depresije! Od nekih slepih studenti uče mnogo toga! Neki su toliko bliski sa volonterima, da su postali pravo bliski, kao najbolji prijatelji!

Najveći benefit je što svi napredujemo u ovim procesima, učimo  i odlično se družimo!

Hvala Dunji Stekić na superviziji

A mi vas još jednom pozivamo na druženje, sutra, sreda 24. maj, u Konobi Akistik, od 19 časova.


May 23, 2023, A meeting held with students volunteers who work and provide support to young visually impaired individuals

We clarified what has been accomplished, resolved discrepancies, and shared advice. It was revealed that some visually impaired individuals are undergoing profound changes: those who used to find fault with everyone are now recognizing true values and finally experiencing happiness, free from depression! Students are learning a lot from some of the visually impaired individuals. Some have formed such close bonds with volunteers that they have become true friends, akin to best friends!

The greatest benefit is that we all progress in these processes, learn, and enjoy each other’s company tremendously! Special thanks to Dunja Stekić for supervision.

And once again, we invite you to join us for a gathering tomorrow, on Wednesday, May 24th, at Konoba Akustik, starting at 7:00 PM.


Kutije za donacije

Hvala dragi ljudi, veliki ljudi!

Zahvaljujući vlasnici TOCOLORO DANCE ACADEMY i velikom umetniku Bojani Markovic, postavili smo kutiju za donacije u njihovim prostorijama u Masarikovoj 5 a za podršku programu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja koji se uveliko širi širom Srbije

A ko se nije isprobao u plesu kubanskom, isprobao razne ritmove sa ovog podneblja, kačimo i link i toplo preporučujemo da priuštite sebi ovakvu jednu školu plesa i razgalite dušu i telo.


Thank you dear people, great people!

Thanks to the owner of TOCOLORO DANCE ACADEMY and the great artist Bojana Markovic, we set up a box for donations in their premises at Masarikova 5 a to support the program for children without parental care, which is expanding widely throughout Serbia

And for those who have not tried themselves in Cuban dance, have tried various rhythms from this climate, we have uploaded the link and we strongly recommend that you treat yourself to a dance school like this and pamper your body and soul.

Donacija prašak- oktobar 2023.godine

Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa BIOHEMIJA DOO prikupio je:

  • 94 džakova od po 8 kg DUEL praška
  • 159 DUEL omekšivača od po 1,7 l
  • 33 DUEL omekšivača od po 2,7 l

I podelio sledećim ugroženim grupama:

  • 18 ugroženih porodica sa opštine Savski Venac
  • 46 ugroženih porodica širom Beograda a koje imaju decu ometenu u razvoju
  • 12 paketa prosleđeno Centru za integraciju mladih “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 paketa prosleđeno, zahvaljujući donaciji firme BEX, sirom Srbije za 10 samohranih majki❤️
  • 7 paketa prosleđeno u Leskovac udruženju samohranih roditelja “Tate i mame” UTIM, zahvaljujući prevozniku KANIS
  • 7 paketa Crvenom krstu Savski venac, plus 30 omekšivača.

Zahvaljujemo se u ime svih ovih ljudi!


Center for Society Advancement, in collaboration with BIOHEMIJA DOO, made a donation of DUEL laundry detergent and fabric softener to vulnerable groups

The following items were collected:

  • 94 sacks of 8 kg each of DUEL laundry detergent
  • 159 bottles of 1.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener
  • 33 bottles of 2.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener

These items were distributed to the following vulnerable groups:

  • 18 families in need from the municipality of Savski Venac
  • 46 vulnerable families across Belgrade with children facing developmental challenges
  • 12 packages sent to the Center for Youth Integration “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 packages sent, thanks to the donation from BEX company, throughout Serbia for 10 single mothers ❤️
  • 7 packages sent to the “Dads and Moms” UTIM association in Leskovac, thanks to the transporter KANIS
  • 7 packages to the Red Cross Savski Venac, along with 30 fabric softeners.

We thank you on behalf of all these people!