Održana radionica na temu zdravlja sa decom iz doma u Beloj Crkvi

Četvrtog juna održana je još jedna redovna radionica sa mališanima iz doma u Beloj Crkvi. Radionica je bila posvećena zdravlju, a jedna od aktivnosti bila je da se deca motivišu da jedni o drugima zapisuju samo lepe osobine.

Tokom ovih radionica trudimo se i da ih podstičemo da što više čitaju i pišu.

Drugari su se zasladili trešnjama i jagodama a potom uživali u zajedničkim  sportskim aktivnostima u dvorištu doma.

Iskoristili smo priliku da napravimošto veći broj slika, koje će ostati kao divna uspomena.


June 12th, 2023, Workshop on Health Held with Children from the Institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva

On June 4th, another regular workshop was held with the little ones from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva. The workshop was focused on health, and one of the activities was to motivate the children to write down only positive qualities about each other.

During these workshops, we also strive to encourage them to read and write as much as possible. Friends indulged in cherries and strawberries, followed by enjoying shared sports activities in the institution’s courtyard.

We took the opportunity to capture as many pictures as possible, creating wonderful memories.

Podržimo decu iz doma u Beloj Crkvi

Već dva meseca razvijamo program podrške ovim mališanima, bez finansija, tek toliko da platimo ponešto!

Radeći tamo, saznali smo šta im je sve potrebno od materijalnih dobara. Ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da ih posetite i odnesete pomoć, donesite nama i mi ćemo im proslediti.

Potrebno je:

  1. kozmetika generalno (kupke, sapuni, četkice i paste za zube, šamponi, ulošci za devojcice, poželjna je i neka šminka ili lakovi za nokte),
  2. školski pribor – blokovi A5,
  3. Konzervirana hrana i druga hrana koja je zapakovana

Za sportske aktivnosti potrebno je:

  1. krede za crtanje po terenu,
  2. fudbalska lopta, odbojkaška i lopta za igru „Između dve vatre“,
  3. Hulahop, zmajevi, čunjevi, krugovi, teniski reketi i loptice!

    May 28th, 2023, Support Children from the Institution for Children without Parential Care in Bela Crkva

For the past two months, we have been developing a support program for these children, without financial assistance, just enough to cover some expenses!

While working there, we learned about their various needs, from material goods to other necessities. If you are unable to visit and provide assistance directly, bring your donations to us, and we will ensure they reach the children.

Items needed:

  1. General cosmetics (shower gels, soaps, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoos, sanitary pads for girls, and preferably some makeup or nail polish),
  2. School supplies – A5 scetchbook,
  3. Canned food and other packaged food items.

For sports activities, the following are required:

  1. Chalk for drawing on the ground,
  2. Soccer ball, volleyball, and a ball for the game “Between Two Fires”,
  3. Hula hoops, kites, cones, hoops, tennis rackets, and balls

Druženje sa slepim licima u Konobi Akustik

Centar za unapređenje društva već godinama pruža podršku našem prijatelju, a sada i kolegi, Miroslavu Zdravkoviću. Miroslav već duže vreme posvećeno radi na integraciji slepih osoba u društvo i zalaže se da se o njima što više priča.

Miroslav je ponovno okupio ljude u Konobi iz različitih područja, uključujući medicinu, glumu, medije i studente humanističkih nauka.

Pomogli smo da se zamisao pretvori u stvarnost, da iznesemo nekoliko reči o životu ovih ljudi, da ih smestimo za stolove s onima koji dobro vide kako bi ih ljudi bez problema sa vidom čuli njihovu priču i zaista ih upoznali, kao i to da mlada slepa lica još jednom pokažu svoj talenat.

Raduje nas što je, na poziv Miroslava, naša najvažnija gošća bila Vesna Radosavljević, voditeljka sa RTS-a. Podstaknuta našim radom, pozvala je da se što više govori o ovim divnim ljudima.

U ugodnom ambijentu, pedesetak ljudi uživalo je u razgovorima i razmeni iskustava. Zahvaljujemo se Konobi, koja već godinama podržava ovakve skupove i omogućava da ova okupljanja postanu nezaboravna.


Gathering with the Visually Impaired Individuals  at Konoba

For years, the Center for Society Advancement has been providing support to our friend and now colleague, Miroslav Zdravković. Miroslav has been dedicating his time to the integration of visually impaired individuals into society, advocating for more talking  about them.

Miroslav has once again brought together people at Konoba from various fields, including medicine, acting, media, and humanities students. We assisted in turning the concept into reality, shedding light on the lives of these individuals. We arranged for them to sit at tables alongside those with good vision so that people without visual impairments could hear their stories and truly get to know them. Additionally, this provided an opportunity for young visually impaired individuals to once again showcase their talents.

We are delighted that, at Miroslav’s invitation, our most important guest was Vesna Radosavljević, a host from RTS. Inspired by our work, she called for more discussions about these wonderful people.

In a pleasant atmosphere, around fifty people enjoyed conversations and exchanged experiences. We express our gratitude to Konoba, which has been supporting such gatherings for years, ensuring that these meetings become truly memorable.

Još jedan vikend posvećen mališanima iz Bele Crkve

Danas je akcenat bio na pisanju. Deca su pisala o tome kojih sve 5 ciljeva žele da ostvare u narednih godinu dana. Neki su pisali i  kako planiraju da ispune te ciljeve. Ovo je jujedno bila i jedna od vežbi koje služe za vežbanje pisanja.

Sačuvali smo papire sa njihovim ciljevima, koje planiramo da im vratimo pri završetku projekta, ali ćemo ih podsećati na zapisane ciljeve.

U drugom delu aktivnosti sledio je sportski program na terenu.

Zahvaljujući našim studentima volonterima, i mi smo se prisetili školskih dana Ponosni smo na ozbiljan rad i postignute rezultate!


Another Weekend Dedicated to the Little Ones

Today’s focus was on writing. The children wrote about the 5 goals they want to achieve in the next year. Some also wrote about how they plan to accomplish these goals. This was also one of the exercises for practicing writing.

We’ve kept the papers with their goals, planning to return them at the end of the project, but we’ll also keep reminding them of their written goals.

In the second part of the activity, a sports program followed on the field.

Thanks to our student volunteers, we recalled memories about our school days. We are proud of the serious work and achievements!

Poseta rezidenciji Brazilske ambasade

U subotu smo sa ženama koje se bave ručnim radom imali privilegiju da posetimo Rezidenciji brazilske ambasade. Ovim ženama je pre nekoliko godina Centar za unapređenje društva pomogao da usavrše ovaj zanat. Sada, sa svojim savršenim radovima, obilaze ambasade, gde žene ambasadora organizuju izložbu za svoje kolege, pa smo i mi bili pozvani da budemo gosti kako bismo promovisali rad Centra.

Naš boravak u Rezidenciji dodatno su ulepšali talentovani mladi etno-umetnici iz škole Mokranjac, na čelu sa Milošem Nikolićem, njihovim profesorom. Za nas je ovo bio prvi put da čujemo muziku izvedenu na instrumentima kao što su Kaval i Okulus. Preporučujemo da ih poslušate.

Od srca svima se zahvaljujemo na podršci! Velika je stvar kada koristimo svaku slobodnu priliku da podržimo jedni druge!