Novi projekat- radionice šivenja za decu bez roditeljskog staranja u Beloj Crkvi!

On Saturday 14.12. the first sewing workshop was held with children without parental care, who are in the home in Bela Crkva! The children responded phenomenally to the idea of learning to sew and were very interested! To begin with, we taught them how to thread a needle, how to sew a plait and how to sew a button! Since they found it very interesting and wanted to do more, we decided to show them how to make phone cases! Our dear seamstresses, who held the workshop, cut out old, worn clothes and showed the children how to sew the materials to make purses!😍 The children showed amazing skills, and they mastered the task very easily! Some then wanted to add a strap or make pouches to their purse! A few very talented ones have even made baby socks!🥰 All in all, a great start to the new series of workshops for the little ones at Bela Crkva, and when we see how interested they are in everything we offer them, it’s not hard for us to travel!❤️ Thank you @mona_official_page and @duel._beohemija for your support😊