Radionice šivenja u Beloj Crkvi

Danas smo dogovorili još jedan program za decu iz doma u Beloj Crkvi!
Kurs šivenja i ušivanja, malo heklanja a i pletenja, možda vez rekreativno 🙂
Cilj je da ove mališane naučimo da sutra sebi mogu da ušiju nešto, sašiju a možda neko i zavoli pa bude profesionalni šnajder🤗🤗🤗
Povrh svega, cilj nam je i da kreativno provode slobodno vreme jer ovi mališani kao da žive na kraju sveta, niko im je dolazi, niti išta rade tematski konkretno ili rekreativno!
Takodje, tokom sastanka došli smo na ideju da nastavimo sa kreativnim radionicama, uporedno sa šivenjem!
Mališane smo obradovali sa puno gumenih bombona, loptom, badminton, hulahopom, frizbijima, da još malo uživaju u igri u svom sunčanom dvorištu!
Tako da za dve nedelje krećemo ponovo u pohod za dečje bolje sutra❤️
Hvala Beohemiji i @mona_official_page na pomoći, bez vas ne bismo mogli!❤️

Today we arranged another program for children from the home in Bela Crkva! A sewing and sewing course, a little crocheting and knitting, maybe embroidery recreationally 🙂 The goal is to teach these little ones that tomorrow they can sew something for themselves, sew, and maybe someone will like it and become a professional tailor 🤗🤗🤗 Above all, our goal is for them to spend their free time creatively, because these little ones seem to live at the end of the world, no one comes to them, nor do they do anything thematically specific or recreationally! Also, during the meeting we came up with the idea to continue with creative workshops, parallel to sewing! We made the little ones happy with a lot of gummy candies, a ball, badminton, hula hoop, Frisbees, so that they could enjoy the game a little more in their sunny yard! So in two weeks we will start again on the campaign for children’s better tomorrow❤️ Thanks to Beohemija and @mona_official_page for your help, we couldn’t have done it without you!❤️

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