Archives May 2024

Predstavljanje projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Tim Centra Zvezda i tim Centra za unapredjenje društva posetili su dom za decu i omladinu “Moše Pijade” gde smo predstavili projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”.
Ovo je poslednji dom koji smo posetili sa ciljem predstavljanja projekta. Sledeći korak je zakazan za početak juna, kada ćemo organizovati zajedničko okupljanje mladih i mentora sa ciljem medjusobnog upoznavanja i povezivanja.❤️

The team of the Center Zvezda and the team of the Center for the Advancement of Society visited the “Moše Pijade” home for children and youth, where we presented the project “Independent, but not alone”. This is the last home we visited to present the project. The next step is scheduled for the beginning of June, when we will organize a joint gathering of young people and mentors with the aim of getting to know each other and connecting.❤️

Donacija praška- maj 2024.godine

U maju mesecu “Centar za unapredjenje društva” podelio je pakete hemije na dve adrese.
“Centar za digitalno uključivanje” iz Niša dobio je:
1. 204 džaka praškastog deterdženta od po 2,4kg Duel Spring White
2. 204 boca omekšivača od 1,6l Soft Lotus
3. 204 boca tečnosti za podove Blue Wave od 1l
“Multi etnički centar Vidikovac” iz Beograda dobio je donaciju od:
1. 30 džakova praškastog deterdženta od po 2,4kg Duel Spring White
2. 30 boca omekšivača od 1,6l Soft Lotus
3. 30 boca tečnosti za podove Blue Wave od 1l
Veliko hvala firmi BEOHEMIJA na donaciji!

In May, the Center for Social Development distributed chemistry packages to two addresses. “Center for Digital Inclusion” from Niš received: 1. 204 bags of powder detergent of 2.4 kg each Duel Spring White

2. 204 bottles of 1.6l Soft Lotus fabric softener

3. 204 bottles of Blue Wave floor liquid of 1l

“Multi Ethnic Center Vidikovac” from Belgrade received a donation from:

1. 30 bags of powder detergent of 2.4 kg each Duel Spring White

2. 30 bottles of 1.6l Soft Lotus fabric softener

3. 30 bottles of Blue Wave floor liquid of 1l

Many thanks to BEOHEMIA for the donation!

ERASMUS+ program za decu

Srećni smo uvek kada započne još neka dobra priča koja ima svoju težinu!
Danas otpočeo ERASMUS program, u saradnji sa Turskom, neformalno obrazovanje dece.
Program u Srbiji realizuje “Centar za Unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić” .
Danas smo imali predivno druženje i prijem turskih mališana u dvorištu škole🤗
Očekuje ih puno novog znanja, prijateljstva, obilazak Beograda, zabave, sporta!
Svaka čast direktorki Daniela Pavic koja je uvek spremna za nove projekte i izazove!
Uživate drugari, svi smo tu za vas

We are always happy when another good story begins that has its weight! Today started the ERASMUS program, in cooperation with Turkey, non-formal education of children. The program in Serbia is implemented by the “Center for Social Development” and the Elementary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. Today we had a wonderful gathering and reception of Turkish children in the school yard🤗 A lot of new knowledge, friendship, a tour of Belgrade, fun, sports await them! Kudos to director Daniela Pavic, who is always ready for new projects and challenges! Enjoy guys, we are all here for you