Pohvale za naše volontere psihologe i decu iz doma u Beloj Crkvi

Zadovoljstvo nam je da podelimo detalje sa svake grupne radionice za mališane iz doma u Beloj Crkvi, jer naši volonteri, psiholozi, obavljaju sjajan posao – od odabira tema do kombinovanja aktivnosti i svega ostalog.

Kao prvi zadatak mališani su imali jedan simpatičan enerdžajzer tokom kog su napravili jedan talas, u kome svaka osoba sa desne strane treba da rukama imitira pokret osobe koja je započela krug.

Zatim su imali zadatak da zamisle kako su na planeti gde su se polovi zamenili i pitali ih šta bi radili tog dana da su drugačijeg pola, čime bi se bavili i šta bi oblačili. Cilj je bio da ih naučimo da razlike između polova nisu velike i da ponašanje i postupci ne treba da zavise od toga kom polu pripadamo.

Nakon toga su naučili kako da traže ono što žele, pa smo pisali dobre i loše načine na koje se to radi i naučili ih pet koraka koje bi trebalo proći kada želimo nešto da zamolimo neku drugu osobu. Fokus je bio na tome kako da se obraćaju  osobi koja se ophodi prema njima onako kako ne bi želeli.

Nakon uspešne radionice, mališani su se družili sa volonterima ispred doma.


Praise for Our Volunteer Psychologists and Children from the Institution for Children without Parential Care in Bela Crkva

We are pleased to share details from each group workshop for the little ones from the Institution for Children without Parential Care in Bela Crkva, as our volunteers, psychologists, are doing a fantastic job—from selecting topics to combining activities and everything in between.

As their first task, the children had a charming icebreaker where they created a wave, in which each person on the right side had to mimic the movement of the person who started the circle with their hands.

Next, they were tasked with imagining a world where genders were reversed, and they were asked what they would do that day if they were a different gender — what activities they would engage in and what they would wear. The goal was to teach them that the differences between genders are not significant and that behavior and actions should not depend on the gender to which we belong.

Afterwards, they learned how to assertively express their desires. We discussed both positive and negative ways to do this and taught them five steps to follow when asking someone for something. The focus was on how to address a person who treats them in a way they wouldn’t want.

Following a successful workshop, the children spent time socializing with the volunteers outside the orphanage.

Uspešno realizovana akcija prikupljanja sredstava za proslavu 12. rođendana dečaka kog čuva baka

Svako dete zaslužuje da proslavi svoj rođendan na najbolji mogući način. Centar za unapređenje društva organizovao je prikupljanje sredstava i pomogao pri realizaciji proslave rođendana jednog divnog dvanaestogodišnjaka.

Dečak je sa svojim drugarima rođendan proveo u parku, uz sportske aktivnosti.

Nismo želeli da ove radosne rtenutke narušimo slikanjem, ali nam je drago da smo zajedničkim snagama uspeli da izmamimo osmeh jednom divnom dečaku. Ovakav rođendan je najmanje što svako dete zaslužuje!

Zahvaljujemo se Ireni Lakobriji i Vanji za ukrase, sokove i grickalice, a posebno Ceci, koja je zaslužna za ovu predivno crveno-belu tortu!


Successful Fundraiser for the 12th Birthday Celebration of a Boy Raised by His Grandmother

Every child deserves to celebrate their birthday in the best possible way. The Center for Society Advancement organized a fundraising campaign and assisted in the realization of a birthday celebration for a wonderful twelve-year-old boy.

The boy celebrated his birthday in the park with his friends, enjoying various sports activities. We didn’t want to disrupt these joyful moments with photography, but we are pleased that, together, we managed to bring a smile to this wonderful boy. Such a birthday is the least every child deserves!

We extend our gratitude to Irena Lakobrija and Vanja for decorations, juices, and snacks, and especially to Ceca, who is responsible for this beautifully red and white cake!

Kompanija COFICAB donirala projektor Centru za unapređenje društva

COFICAB je svetski lider u dizajnu, proizvodnji i prodaji električnih žica i kablova za automobilsku industriju, kućne aparate, medicinske i industrijske primene. Zahvaljujemo se na donaciji i lepom gestu.


COFICAB is a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and sale of electrical wires and cables for the automotive industry, household appliances, medical applications, and industrial uses. We express our gratitude for the donation and the thoughtful gesture.

Naši volonteri, studenti psihologije, organizovali još jednu radionicu u domu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja

Naši volonteri, inače, studenti psihologije su organizovali još jednu radionicu u domu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja. Koncept radionice su sami osmislili i bio je fenomenalan!

Mališani si imali uvodnu igru – šta sa sobom mogu da ponesu na pusto ostrvo. Bila je poenta da dođu do zaključka po kom principu treba da biraju sta će poneti – mogu da ponesu samo predmet koji počinje istim slovom kao njihovo ime. Zatim su izmišljali priču sa dva različita kraja. Bili su podeljeni u 3 grupe i svaka grupa je dobila neku drugu temu, pa su na osnovu toga smišljali pricu.

Na zabavan način, deca su pokazala koliko dobro umeju da pišu.

Ovim se zabava nije završila, jer je sledilo kuglanje u dvorištu.

Podsećamo da nam je cilj da, kroz druženje i kreativne aktivnosti, pomognemo da se ova deca razvijaju u svakom pogledu, te je ovom radionicom pokriveno više razvojnih oblasti.

Radujemo se uspehu svakog našeg mališana, ali i naših volontera, koji nas svaki put iznenade svojim sposobnostima, kojih možda nisu ni bili svesni!


April 26th, 2023, Our Psychology Students Volunteers Organized Another Workshop for children without parential care

Our volunteers, psychology students, have organized yet another workshop at the institution for children without parental care. They came up with the workshop concept themselves, and it was phenomenal!

The children started with an introductory game – deciding what they would bring to a deserted island. The point was for them to conclude on the principle of choosing items that start with the same letter as their name. Then, they created a story with two different endings. Divided into three groups, each group was given a different theme, and they crafted a story based on that.

In a fun way, the children showcased their writing skills. The fun didn’t end there, as they enjoyed bowling in the courtyard afterward.

We remind you that our goal is to help these children develop in every aspect through socializing and creative activities. This workshop covered multiple developmental areas, and we look forward to the success of each child and our volunteers who never cease to surprise us with their abilities, perhaps previously unknown to them!

Održan sastanak sa stručnim timom povodom projekata Družimo se i učimo zajedno i Samostalan ali ne sam

Održan je sastanak stručnih timova povodom dva projekta:

  1. Družimo se i učimo zajedno, posvećen maloj deci i
  2. Samostalan ali ne sam, namenjen mladima.

Centar za unapređenje društva je nosilac prvog projekta,a na drugom je parnter. Nosilac projekta Samostalan ali ne sam je Centar Zvezda.

Ustanovili smo da ovi programi terba da budu deo svakodnevnog rada vaspitača i deo individualnog plana za svako dete. Zahvaljujući individualnom radu, ovo su potezi koji iz korena menjaju život dece bez roditeljskog staranja.

Ponosni smo na sve što radimo, naročito kada su deca u pitanju!


April 20th, 2023, a meeting was held with the expert team regarding the projects “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” (Let’s Play and Learn Together) and “Samostalan ali ne sam” (Independent but Not Alone)

The meeting addressed two projects:

  1. “Družimo se i učimo zajedno,” focusing on young children, led by the Center for Society Advancement,
  2. “Samostalan ali ne sam,” targeted at young people, with the Center Zvezda as the project leader and the Center for Society Advancement as a partner.

It was established that these programs should be an integral part of the daily work of educators and included in the individual plan for each child. Through individualized efforts, these initiatives are fundamentally changing the lives of children without parental care.

We are proud of all that we do, especially when it comes to the well-being of children!