Obilazak Beograda sa gostima iz Turske- ERASMUS+

Par reči o programu ERASMUS+ Mobilnost učenika, koji smo sproveli u saradnji sa Pokrajinskom direkcijom za obrazovanje Istanbul. Program u Srbiji realizovali su “Centar za unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić”.
“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je ovoj grupi omogućio raznovrsne aktivnosti i ture kako bi na što bolji način upoznali Beograd🥰
Vodili smo ih u muzej Nikole Tesle, Hram Svetog Save, Crkvu Svetog Marka, Tašmajdan, Kalemegdan, Dino park, Pedagoški muzej, Etnografski muzej, Selfi muzej, Beograd na vodi, Knez Mihailovu, Terazije, Konak Knjeginje Ljubice…
Grupa je uživala i upoznala Beograd sa svim svojim čarima!
Hvala koleginicama koje su naporno radile kako bi sve teklo po planu: Svetlani Kostic i Sari Čolić😊

A few words about the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility program, which we implemented in cooperation with the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Education. The program in Serbia was implemented by the “Center for the Advancement of Society” and the Primary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. The “Center for the Advancement of Society” provided this group with various activities and tours in order to get to know Belgrade in the best possible way. We took them to the Nikola Tesla Museum, the Temple of Saint Sava, the Church of Saint Mark, Tašmajdan, Kalemegdan, Dino Park, the Pedagogical Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Selfie Museum, Belgrade on the Water, Knez Mihailova, Terazije, Konak Knjeginja Ljubica…

The group enjoyed and got to know Belgrade with all its charms!

Thank you to my colleagues who worked hard so that everything went according to plan: Svetlana Kostic and Sara Čolić😊

ERASMUS+ program za decu

Par reči o programu ERASMUS+ Mobilnost učenika, koji smo sproveli u saradnji sa Pokrajinskom direkcijom za obrazovanje Istanbul. Program u Srbiji realizovali su “Centar za unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić”.
13.05.2024. godine dočekali smo grupu od 10 mališana i dve nastavnice iz Istanbula. Mališani su u periodu od 13.05 do 17.05 svakodnevno išli u školu, kao i na ture koje je “Centar za unapredjenje društva” organizovao.
Neke od aktivnosti koje su mališani sproveli u OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić” su: odlazak na časove likovne kulture gde su deca slikala po platnu, zatim, čas tehnike i tehnologije na kom su pravili makete po izboru, odlazak na časove hemije, engleskog, matematike, muzičke kulture, geografije i fizičkog i zdravstvenog vaspitanja.
Pored časova na kojima su deca vredno učila, ova škola ih je vodila u Muzej čokolade, gde je svako pravio svoju čokoladu. Organizovane su, takodje, radionice pravljenja sapuna i bedževa na kojima su se deca sjajno zabavila!

A few words about the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility program, which we implemented in cooperation with the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Education. The program in Serbia was implemented by the “Center for the Advancement of Society” and the Primary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. 13.05.2024. we welcomed a group of 10 children and two teachers from Istanbul. In the period from 13.05 to 17.05, the children went to school every day, as well as to tours organized by the “Center for the Advancement of Society”. Some of the activities carried out by the little ones at “Dragojlo Dudić” elementary school are: going to art classes where the children painted on canvas, then, a technique and technology class where they made models of their choice, going to chemistry, English, mathematics classes, musical culture, geography and physical and health education. In addition to the classes where the children studied hard, this school took them to the Chocolate Museum, where everyone made their own chocolate. Workshops for making soap and badges were also organized, where the children had a great time!

ERASMUS+ program za decu

Srećni smo uvek kada započne još neka dobra priča koja ima svoju težinu!
Danas otpočeo ERASMUS program, u saradnji sa Turskom, neformalno obrazovanje dece.
Program u Srbiji realizuje “Centar za Unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić” .
Danas smo imali predivno druženje i prijem turskih mališana u dvorištu škole🤗
Očekuje ih puno novog znanja, prijateljstva, obilazak Beograda, zabave, sporta!
Svaka čast direktorki Daniela Pavic koja je uvek spremna za nove projekte i izazove!
Uživate drugari, svi smo tu za vas

We are always happy when another good story begins that has its weight! Today started the ERASMUS program, in cooperation with Turkey, non-formal education of children. The program in Serbia is implemented by the “Center for Social Development” and the Elementary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. Today we had a wonderful gathering and reception of Turkish children in the school yard🤗 A lot of new knowledge, friendship, a tour of Belgrade, fun, sports await them! Kudos to director Daniela Pavic, who is always ready for new projects and challenges! Enjoy guys, we are all here for you

ERASMUS+ projekat za odrasle

Tokom marta meseca realizovali smo ERASMUS program, saradnja “Centar za unapredjenje društva” i ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE of NATIONAL EDUCATION iz Istanbula, a u okviru programa za neformalno obrazovnje odraslih.
Prilično smo zadovolji našim rezultatima s obzirom da smo pioniri u medjunarodnoj saradnji!
Omogućili smo edukaciju ovoj divnoj turskoj grupi, na temu preduzetništva i IT alata u poslovanju!
A kako i dolikuje, gosti su posetili sve ključne znamenitosti u Beogradu 🙂
Naravno, dame su dobile i po ružu za 8 mart 🙂
Hvala ambasadi Turske Sehmuz Altim/Yunis Yildrim što su zajedno sa nama, priredili doček grupi, gde smo im takodje priredili lep srpski program!
Hvala kolegama koji su radili više sati dnevno kako bi sve teklo po planu: Svetlani Kostic, Sari Čolić, Zoranu Zlatkovic i Saletu Trudicu🥰

During the month of March, we implemented the ERASMUS program, a collaboration between the Center for the Advancement of Society and the ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE of NATIONAL EDUCATION from Istanbul, within the framework of the non-formal adult education program. We are quite satisfied with our results considering that we are pioneers in international cooperation! We provided education to this wonderful Turkish group on the topic of entrepreneurship and IT tools in business! And as befits, the guests visited all the key sights in Belgrade 🙂 Of course, the ladies also received a rose for March 8 🙂 Thank you to the Embassy of Turkey, Sehmuz Altim/Yunis Yildrim, who, together with us, prepared a welcome for the group, where we also prepared a nice Serbian program for them! Thank you to my colleagues who worked many hours a day so that everything went according to plan: Svetlana Kostic, Sara Čolić, Zoran Zlatkovic and Salet Trudic.

Finalne pripreme ERASMUS+ projekta

Završene finalne pripreme za realizaciju projekta Erasmus K2, obrazovanje odraslih i saradnju sa Turskom ☺️

3 marta stiže grupa iz Istanbula i 6 dana ćemo učiti i družiti se kako to najbolje znamo!

Partneri na ovom programu su ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION i Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva


Completed final preparations for the implementation of the Erasmus K2 project, adult education and cooperation with Turkey ☺️

On March 3, a group from Istanbul will arrive and for 6 days we will learn and socialize as best we can!

The partners in this program are the ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION and the Center for the Improvement of Society